Photo & Video
Great memories for you and your guests.Photo & Video booths
A photo and video booth is perfect for your event, wedding, bar mitzvah, birthday party in fact, any celebration!
2014 Preston Sports Awards took place on Friday 7 March 2014 at the Guild Hall, Preston. The 9th annual awards ceremony is a sell out to 17 award sponsors and shortlisted nominees. The Voxbox booth was kept busy all night with over 300 photos and video messages left by awards winners, and delegates.
World premiere of an exciting new commission from Lancashire Music Service Young Composer in Residence Tom Harrold. The Voxbox booth is also at the Guild Hall for this exciting event.
A quick guide to how the Voxbox booth touchscreen works.
Our booth arrives at the Hilton in Prague.
Our booth travels all the way to Prague for a conference. Details to follow shortly.
Prepping the booth for a big conference abroad. Making sure everything works and is packed away safely!